We make ID verification possible for everyone.

There are many businesses and markets that want and need ID verification but can't use it because it's too;
A) costly
B) slow
C) inaccurate
Vyyer has changed all that while making it easier to get started.

How it works

The world's
Best catch-rate
Fastest results, and only Anonymous solution.

Vyyer is able to offer the only frictionless identity solution because of two key patent-pending IPs that allow us to verify IDs instantly and affordably.

Issuer Image Fingerprinting

Using the user's camera and our understanding of how the resolution at which the DMV prints identity documents, we're able to determine whether an ID card is legitimate or fraudulent.


Vyyer makes human review obsolete, drastically improving the customer experience.

More Secure

Vyyer's process stops synthetic fraud which uses real identity information and cannot be detected by traditional means.


Barcode Data

Barcodes are generally considered a dead-end verification technology because issuers don't stick to AAMVA or ISO standards. This makes it difficult to tell if a deviation is from a fraudster or the issuer themselves. Vyyer has solved this problem with a zero knowledge proof that allows us to determine if the data is real or counterfeit.

100% Anonymous

This method requires no Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to be transferred or sent to Vyyer whatsoever, making it the first ever 100% anonymous solution on the planet.


How our Identity Pipeline works

Streamline onboarding and customer identity using the Vyyer experience.


Selfie Capture & Liveness

Customers can assure you of their genuine presence in just seconds using our iBeta 2 certified liveness detection.

Web optimized widget and native iOS / Android SDKs

Small form factor, less than 1mb in size

Self-hosted and cloud solution available

Identity Document Verification

Your customers will quickly scan, capture, and verify their IDs using video cameras in just seconds.

Document readability confirmed during scan before information is verified, which reduces errors.

Instant, frictionless, and zero PII is sent to Vyyer during verification.

98% catch-rate, 99.99% accuracy, and 0.004% false positivity rate.


Automated Form Filling

Eliminate form filling by automatically pulling information from identity documents.

Decrease time spent on forms by up to 60%

Decoded PII on the front-end is passed onto the form without going to a server, this ensures regulatory compliance.


Vyyer's highly vetted data sources prove the identity of your customers and keeps you compliant with financial regulations.

Verify SSN / EIN, PEPs, SEPS, and other lists in under 10 seconds.

Utility bill capture

OTP verification


We'll integrate for you for free.

Total Cost of Ownership Calculator

Learn just how much money you'd save by using Vyyer.

Coming Soon

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